Mar 31, 2022
Sometimes, it's hard to know what to do with your handy dandy hands when you’re talking. Especially when you’re doing something that feels important, like presenting, interviewing, or networking with people you don't know. If you’re not sure what to do with your hand when you’re talking; try these suggestions:
1.) Relax
It's as simple as it sounds. Let your hands relax at your side if you're standing, or rest in your lap if sitting. It will help you look calm even if you don't feel it on the inside.
2.) Use them
Yep. I said that. Worry less about whether your hands are moving and more about what you're saying. Yes, body language is important; you don't want to clasp your hands like you're nervous or steeple them like you're trying to gain control, but you can and should move them around to emphasize your points. You'll look weird if you're trying to stifle them under the table.
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