Nov 10, 2022
Good to great doesn't happen overnight, with a silver
bullet, or in one magical manifested moment. Dang it. Wish I
had a magic wand for that one! Average only becomes excellent
with consistency.
You know this, my friend, even if it's hard to hear. If we commit
to saving a few dollars daily, those dollars will grow
exponentially. If we work out and count calories routinely, we'll
lose the 15 lbs we gained during COVID. We know we'll improve our
golf game or piano playing if we practice regularly.
So, why is being consistent so darn hard?
Because it's easier to stay average than it is to drive for
It's easier to spend the dollars than to tuck them away for a rainy
day. Oreos are easier to eat, and Netflix is easier to watch than
drinking water and going to the gym. In communication, it's easier
not to practice presentations or conversations because practicing
is awkward.
Easy choices often lead to average
Choosing excellence isn't easy.
Choosing excellence requires you to be consistent in the relentless
pursuit of your goals. Consistently choosing what's hard,
uncomfortable, awkward, and full of failure separates people who
realize their goals from those who do not.
Are you a person who realizes your
The choice is yours; what will you do consistently starting
That’s it for today. Thank you for listening! If you found today’s Crash Course helpful, please share it with your colleagues and friends and hit the subscribe button so you don’t miss an episode. Make sure to connect with me on LinkedIn so we can chat and if you’ve got a question you’d like for me to answer here on the show write me a note in the comment section or email me at
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